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Applications for the SEA Camp Summit now open!

Building on the success of the SEA Camps implemented from 2015 to 2019, Save Philippine Seas (SPS) and the U.S. Embassy in the Philippines are pleased to announce applications for the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) 2020-2021 SEA Camp Summit! 

SEA Camp Summit

The SEA Camp Summit seeks emerging conservation leaders from the SEA Camp and YSEALI network with proposals for online and offline advocacy campaigns and community-based projects addressing coastal and marine issues, including river and waterway issues that are connected to our oceans in the region (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand, and/or Vietnam and Timor Leste). Proposals must leverage participants’ social media and media visibility and/or access to relevant communities, particularly those outside of capital cities, to significantly raise public awareness and stimulate action that curtails exploitation of coastal and marine resources.

Proposals must be submitted by an individual, pair, or groups of three. The lead proponents must be SEA Camp alumni and YSEALI alumni who participated in environmental programs, but other members are not required to be SEA Camp and YSEALI alum. Projects must be implemented between November 2020-April 2021. The project could also be implemented with other organizations, such as community-based or school-based organizations. Project budgets can be up to PhP25,000 (~$514.00). For regional projects (i.e., projects/campaigns that involve two or more countries), the funding can increase to PhP36,426 (~$750.00). 

Being part of the SEA Camp Summit means committing to attend at least three sessions in the SEA Campus, a virtual continuing education program that runs from November 2020 to March 2021. In the SEA Campus, SEA Camp and YSEALI alumni and resource persons will be invited to speak at lectures and panel discussions on a broad range of topics. 

Project proposals must be:

  • An online or offline campaign or community-based project.

  • A new project or build on an existing project

  • Addressing coastal and marine issues, including river and waterway issues that are connected to our oceans.

  • Targeting audiences in any of the Southeast Asian countries and Timor Leste. Proponents can come from any of the ASEAN-member countries and Timor Leste.

  • Submitted by an individual, pair, or groups of three. The lead proponents must be SEA Camp and YSEALI alum. There can be more members in the team but only a maximum of three participants will form the registered core team. Other team members do not need to be SEA Camp and YSEALI alum.

  • Implemented anytime between November 2020-April 2021. Activities can continue after April 2021, but financial and accomplishment reports must be submitted by March 2021.

Proponents must attend at least three out of the six virtual skills-building workshops under the SEA Campus. In the application form, they can choose topics most relevant to their project proposals. Required sessions will be conducted on Saturdays, 3-5PM (Philippine Standard Time) between November 2020 and March 2021. Topics and sign-up sheets will be announced by mid-November 2020.

Interested applicants must apply through the online form and submit a deck for their project proposal. The guide for the pitch deck can be viewed and downloaded from here. You may click "Open with Google Slides" to create an independent online collaborative and editable file. Applicants are not required to use the prescribed template and can create their own design/branding identity, but the submitted decks must answer the guide questions and follow the outline in the template. Decks can be submitted in PDF or PPT/PPTx (max 10MB) or via a URL if the deck was created in an online platform such as Canva.

Proponents may consult the SEA Camp Summit team for questions on the application process, but not the details of the project proposal to ensure that assessments will be objective. The assessment criteria are:

  • Feasibility: The proposal demonstrates understanding of the coastal and marine issues and the proponent's capacity to implement the project within the timeframe given

  • Creativity: The proposal exhibits innovation through a new idea or a different approach to tackling coastal and marine issues, including river and waterway issues that are connected to our oceans.

  • Potential for community impact: The proposal exhibits economic and societal value, and is accessible to the target audience.  It must also show potential for sustainability.

Deadline for applications is on October 31 (11:59PM GMT+8). SEA Camp alumni applications that have been previously submitted may be edited until October 31, 2020 as well. The announcement of SEA Camp Summit participants will be in early November.

If restrictions on travel and mass gatherings change in early 2021, SPS will organize the in-person 2021 SEA Camp Summit in or near Metro Manila. This will serve as a culminating activity and bring together grant recipients to report on project accomplishments.

For any questions or concerns, please email Bryan Madera, Project Manager of the SEA Camp Summit at


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