Earthducation Teachers' Training

What on Earth can we do for the environment in and out of the classroom?
Founded on the belief that teachers and educators play a critical role in raising environmental awareness, forming values, and inspiring interest in conservation, Save Philippine Seas, in partnership with Sciamathuto, is organizing the first open Earthducation workshop on April 21-23, 2018 in Los Baños, Laguna.
Earthducation is a three-day experiential learning activity for educators to increase conservation literacy; teach basic and transferable skills for environmental leadership; increase the participants' pro-environmental behavior, and integrate sustainable practices in the classroom and/or campus.
The program includes short lectures, interactive workshops, games, and outdoor activities (weather permitting). It will introduce participants to basic concepts in ecology, conservation, and applied leadership. Our speakers include Anna Oposa of Save Philippine Seas, Mr. Joald Calpo of Bayong-diversity, and Professor Aimee Lynn Barrion-Dupo of University of the Philippines-Los Baños.
To learn more about the workshop and view the working program, please download the primer here. The registration fee is PhP3,500, inclusive of the Earthducation workbook, meals, and dorm-type accommodations at the Riverview Resort and Conference Center for two nights. A discounted rate may be granted for public school teachers upon request.
Deadline for registration and payment is on April 19. Register online here, and email your deposit slip at earthducation[at]savephilippineseas[dot]org. The final itinerary and other relevant details will be emailed to you upon the receipt of your deposit slip.