Free Chasing Coral screening by SPS and Philippine Artisan Trade

About 60 seatizens attended the free screening of Chasing Coral, organized by Save Philippine Seas and the Philippine Artisan Trade Gallery. Chasing Coral is a documentary that chronicles coral bleaching and the team that worked relentlessly to capture it on film to show the world. Dr. Al Licuanan of De La Salle University started the evening by talking about the state of the Philippine reefs. After the movie, Becca Melendres and Mariel Flores from Human Nature talked about how our daily choices for personal care products can make an impact on our reefs, and Diuvs De Jesus from UP Marine Science Institute shared what we could do to help protect the reefs.
A special cocktail, Sex on the Bleach, and mocktail, Safe Sex on the Bleach, was created by DrinkManila just for the event.

The event was organized in partnership with ReefCheck Philippines, Bambike Ecotours, SipPH, Marine Wildlife Watch of the Philippines, and Human Nature.