Manila and Cebu

In 2022, the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative Marine Accelerator Program chose nine projects to receive up to US$4,500.00 of funding to grow their initiatives.
Save Lin Shu Lin Paing
Save Lin Shu Lin Paing aims to raise community awareness through campaigns with mobile truck in two selected fishing communities (50 children and 30 adults from each village). The purpose of the project was that the locals could take part in the awareness campaign for the very first time in their lives and were able to get access to the awareness of marine mammal conservation through fun and simple activities.
Karimunjawa Elasmo-Peers
The Karimunjawa Elasmo-Peers aims to recruit and train 6 local youths as part of Indonesian Elasmobranch Citizen Science Network (IECSN) Elasmo-Peers in KJNP and provide them on basic elasmobranch knowledge, conservation, community engagement, and socio-ecological research. Youth Based River School Initiative Program aims to transform environmental awareness into a culture for the community of Banda Aceh.
Act Now for Ranow
Act Now For Ranow Movement evolved from a simple clean up drive turned to be an avenue by providing leadership development opportunities and community empowerment focused on Lake Bato and its biodiversity conservation and moving further as we applied the ridge to reef approach to reach more least economically resilient communities that can potentially contribute to the environmental sustainability and natural resources management.
Enhancing Community-Based Ecotourism
Building Resilient Ecotourism in Bugnayan Pt. Marine Sanctuary aimed to revitalize operations of Bugnayan Pt. Sanctuary following the impacts of the pandemic and typhoon, to revive functions of the MSMB and to set plans, strategies and activities for the establishment of sustainable ecotourism operations.
Beach Hack
Beach Hack Thailand aims to bring together people from many industries who are passionate about marine conservation and coastal management to network, develop, and re-design more sustainable solutions.

Griya Luhu
Griya Luhu is a digital waste management bank aims to reduce waste pollution in Bali’s ocean by providing access to a sustainable waste management system for 10 more villages in Gianyar. We aim to reach 4000 households within 6 months. GriyaLuhu currently provides services for 25 villages with total 8000 households.
Email: sitta.mar@gmail.com
Facebook: Hackathon Thailand
Email: lerietan@gmail.com
Our Conservasea:
Permission to Change
Permission To Change aims to provide a training and mentoring program that will help in encouraging, engaging, and empowering MSMEs to develop their businesses through eco-friendly ways.

Seaside Youth Initiative Project (SYIP)
Seaside Youth Initiative Project (SYIP) aims to increase the awareness of youth and the surrounding community about the importance of mangroves for life so that mangrove knowledge will become a culture for the people in the coastal area of Aceh Besar District.

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